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Home: About Us

Frankie Pictures is a full service production company that specializes in immersive, documentary-styled content. 


We provide a collaborative approach at every step of the process: ideation, development, shooting, and full-service post production. 


When you work with us, you will develop and write with producers and journalists from the New York Times, ESPN, and Vice on HBO. You will shoot with verite cinematographers and directors. And you will work with an edit team that has won Emmys, Peabodys and ACE Eddies. 


Whether you need help with development, production or post, we deliver focused, innovative work that draws upon decades of experience at the highest levels of journalism, writing and television. 

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Jay Caspian Kang is an Emmy nominated director/writer/producer who specializes in developing, scripting and directing documentary-styled content. He is also a writer-at-large for the New York Times Magazine, where he has written for the past ten years.


Previously, he was a founding editor at Grantland, the news director for the New Yorker, and a producer correspondent for Vice on HBO. His work has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Wired, Harper’s, and This American Life.


Partner and Head of Production

Cameron Dennis won an ACE Eddie, Peabody, and an Emmy for his work
on Vice News' Charlottesville: Race and Terror special. This year, Cameron was nominated again for an Emmy and won his second American Cinema Editors Eddie Award.


He also worked as a Senior Editor and Producer at Viacom where he oversaw a production team that delivered original content to digital and broadcast.

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